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The great depth that reaches the coast of Tenerife and the influence of the Gulf Stream make the sea that surrounds Tenerife the ideal habitat for old women, sardines, samas, chernes, haddocks, groupers, goats, chicharros, chocos and mackerels, among others.

These fish species are also the most appreciated in the Canarian kitchens, where they are made without taking center stage of their flavor. They are eaten stewed or fried, accompanied by sauces or potatoes that turn the fish dishes into a delight.

  A good example is the old one, which is captured very close to the coast and served with wrinkled potatoes and Canarian mojo.

Cherne is very common in casseroles, very popular in the north of Tenerife.

On the other hand, the fish stock is used to make the escaldón, a very popular typical dish in which the other main protagonist is the gofio (roasted cereal flour) kneaded.